Sunday, August 5, 2012

First Saturday (July 28)

My first Saturday (July 28), I stepped out of the house I am staying at and crossed the street.

I looked left:

I looked right:

That's the beautiful, powerful, South Pacific ocean!

and I looked down:

Beach flowers in winter.  Yes, winter!  Not bad for a WINTER day, eh?

There is where I am in the South Pacific:

a bit closer:

It's all in easy walking distance.  I miss my car, but am getting along fine without it.
The green "thumbnail" is called "the mount".  It has hiking trails around it that I will someday traverse and it has more steep trails going up... which I will also someday traverse when my cardio improves.  But I don't think I will take Moosie, his legs are too short (but don't tell him that).


  1. Took me a bit to wrap my head around where you're at. This photo helped a LOT:

    Your location seems superb. Hope you're having fun. And that mountain looks like a great personal training challenge!! Go for it.

    Also bumped into this
    Ask your David about the 1995 riots!! Must have been foreigners. NZ'ers don't riot, do they?

  2. I'm a visual person NJ so this map really helped me understand where you're at. I'm enjoying the posts oh so much! Miss you!

  3. Hard to believe NZ'ers (Kiwi's) would riot, they seem very peaceful but I think some are on or going on strike. Yes, unions are here as well. I think some of the rail (train) workers are or were contemplating a strike.
