Below are a couple shots of a group training class. It's the type of training my last trainer, Nick, would enjoy to do and teach. The people were on some type of circuit... it's explained more/more pics at their website.
If you can't make out the pics, there is 1 person between the cars using the big heavy ropes (upper body/full body, move the ropes in patterns); 1 guy in shorts with a sledge hammer about to go at it on a big tractor tire (or tyre as they spell it here); and 1 lady in a white tanktop kicking and stepping on another big tractor tire. I believe they work at each station for about 30 seconds, a whistle blows, and they change to next station. I have also seen several of the class members doing crab-like crawling on the grass out front. I walk by this place on my way to work. The gyms are not large buildings like in the US, but they make better use of the outdoors. They've also advertised classes wherein the participants run up the hills & mountains nearby.
A good morning workout needs a good sunset at the end of the day:
No, I have not joined a gym. It's all I can do to walk the 1+ mile to work Mon-Fri, and sometimes walk it home. But I have started jogging some... slowly... but it would still be categorized as jogging :-)
I am surprised the jogging has gone well since my hips and knees don't always cooperate (having tortured them enough carrying too much weight for too long). All my daily walking must surely have helped prepare my body parts for jogging.
I will try to keep up the jogging habit but it sure rains a lot here ... not exactly easy to go jogging in the rain especially when you need glasses to see. Jogging in the rain might actually be enjoyable IF you didn't need glasses.
Enjoy your New Years resolutions, long may they last.